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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut mattis consequat hendrerit. Etiam et aliquet mauris. Fusce nunc nisl, varius non nulla vitae, euismod ultricies ligula.
The most extreme waves of the rider Sergio Viña (CAMPA) filmed during the last year in Asturias, along his life style. Heavy training for an IRONMAN and charging some of the most radical waves in the Cantabric Sea inspire effort and the love for extreme sports.
IT’S Maccas, but not as you know it. Your humble suburban McDonald’s will soon be so fancy and schmick that you’ll barely recognise it.
America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home.
THERE is a growing trend of people using older phones in lieu of smartphones. Here is why going back to inferior technology is a huge mistake.
STREAMING service Netflix are rumoured to be working hard to bring the Full House cast back for a 13-episode reunion.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut mattis consequat hendrerit. Etiam et aliquet mauris. Fusce nunc nisl, varius non nulla vitae, euismod ultricies ligula.
FROM brawls to births, accidents to Armageddon: We always seem to end up blaming the moon. Stop it: It has nothing to do with reality, an irked scientist says.
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